The Green Star/Green Life
fruit attachment looks identical to the outlet adjusting knob that comes with the Green
Life Juicer except it has a dark green tip. The
Fruit attachment has a softer spring rate than the standard outlet adjusting knob.
This lets the soft pulp of fruits come out of the machine, instead of getting stuck
and backing up the machine. Other twin gear juicers will not juice fruits well (or
at all). The green life will do a satisfactory job with fruits with this attachment.
(The Green Life Juicer is NOT reccomended if you want to juice MOSTLY fruits, it is BEST
for juicing MOSTLY vegetables and some fruit) |
The Fruits that can be juiced with
this attachment are fruits such as: Apples, Pears, Oranges and Kiwi's. This attachment will not let you juice bananna's, mango's and peaches.
These fruits are too pulpy and are best blended. (None of the juicers we sell
will juice these fruits)
This fruit attachment will work with the Green Life and the
Green Star juicers.
Please note: The Green Life Fruit Attachment will not
work with the Green Power Machine. The fruit attachment for the Green Power is
available here. |